Monday, December 29, 2014

Remodeling is like being pregnant

I have come to the conclusion that remodeling a house is like being pregnant... What???? That doesn't make any sense you say.... Well, just think about it... At first you are so excited at the idea of being pregnant.  You live thru the morning sickness... then you start the exciting part of planning names, buying all types of books on what to name your baby... what to expect while you are pregnant, during delivery, and so forth.  Then after you have your bundle of joy, you get to experience the first poop... you know what I mean...

Here is our first poop...

So technically Jay (the brawn of the dynamic duo) and myself (the brains of the operation), are still newlyweds, somewhat to our advantage we have decided. We live in a cute little 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1948 bungalow. In the city, which my husband hates.  So after much debating, we bought some property in the "country".  Not the country that each of us grew up in, but it has a great view and as many neighbors that it will ever have.  So what did we I decide that needs to be done in order to sell our house?? That's right, remodel.  THE ENTIRE HOUSE..  How exciting, I thought, we can make the house so cute, but keeping in the back of my mind that it is for selling points, not to live in long term. Endless hours spent pouring over glossy magazines, pinterest, blogs, open houses, anything to get ideas of what we I wanted to do to the house, thinking all the while, we have skills, we can do this. And besides I so want to be a Sawdust Girl!!! (You should totally check out her blog at She has amazing, mad skills!)
Rewind to 7 months ago... when we decided to have a little "bundle of joy".... we had great expectations of a total house remodel going quickly and smoothly,, you know, like they do on the diy network..?.. How wrong we were.